Chocolate beetroot cake
Last year I saw a whole host of beetroot flavoured cake and brownie recipes appear, but never got round to trying any myself. This year, when I was given some beetroot, I decided that I definitely needed to try and make a chocolate beetroot cake. I am so glad I did – it was the...
My Best Friend’s Wedding
Ever since my best friend announced her engagement, I was really excited about her big day. I was especially looking forward to it because she gave me some very creative and fun, although slightly nerve-wracking, jobs to do! I love handmade touches to weddings, it makes it so personal and you can tailor the theme...
Why so expensive?
This is the most common question I get asked when I’m quoting for a celebration cake, so I thought I’d go through some of the costs involved in making a cake. A popular response from the person asking for a quote is that they can buy a cake for under £10 in a supermarket –...
Xbox Birthday Cake
Yesterday was Dale’s birthday and no celebration is complete without a cake. Those of you who know my other half will know that there was one obvious cake choice… Despite the fact I’m not a great Xbox fan myself, I really enjoyed making this cake (although shaping the controller was a little tricky). I learnt...
Rice Krispie Puffle Nests
I have to admit that when I was asked if I’d like the recipe and ingredients to make Rice Krispie Puffle Nests, I had no idea what Puffles were! After a little Googling, I discovered the world of Club Penguin and the little creatures called Puffles. So it seems these colourful little creatures like to...
Royal Wedding – celebrations and cupcakes
I’m guessing some of you won’t even look at this blog post due to the fact it has ‘Royal Wedding’ in the title – but I am quite enjoying all the celebrations and excitement that surround the upcoming wedding! It has been made even more fun by the fact that I have spent a lot...
Banana loaf cake
We’ve been very busy recently redecorating the bathroom and having a big spring clean, so after a heavy day’s work last Saturday, I really fancied a little baking therapy. As I walked past the fruit bowl I noticed a couple of very overripe bananas that really needed using up. Don’t you just love it when a plan...
Cowboy cake
The brief for this cake was ‘something cowboy themed’ and it was great fun to work on. The cake was a 3 layer vanilla sponge filled with strawberry jam and vanilla buttercream. I covered the whole cake in white sugar paste then added a band of blue for the jeans, brown for the belt and...
My Book – The Baking Pocket Bible
I can’t quite believe it – I’ve written a book! It’s in the shops and on Amazon and people are buying it! Those of you who follow me on twitter will probably know by now that last year I was approached by Crimson Publishing, who had been reading my blog and asked if I’d be...
Billy The Bear Birthday Cake
Last year I made a rabbit shaped cake for Tegan’s birthday so I was delighted when her Mum came back to me this year and asked if I’d make another cake for her. This time Tegan wanted a cake in the shape of her favourite toy – Billy The Bear! I was sent a photo...
Rowse Honey
Who can resist a good cupcake? Well, I can’t, so I was very excited when Rowse Honey sent me a box of cupcakes and a jar of honey to promote their latest advertising campaign. And very delicious cupcakes they were too. I shall be using the honey to make a honey cake – watch out...
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