I have come to realise that since starting my new job, time for crafting and making has slipped and I miss it. So, now I’ve settled into a routine and (almost!) got on top of the housework, the girls and I have decided we will set ourselves a target of making something every month.
It’s fair to say that when it comes to projects, we’re great at starting things but not so good at finishing them off! With this in mind, I have decided that for the first few months I will finish off what I’ve already made a start on. So, for January I decided to finish crocheting a jumper for Grace. I started it a few months back with some lovely yarn I bought when we were in America.
It didn’t quite turn out as I was hoping (I was aiming for nicer shaping around the arms and waist) but Grace likes it! She wanted to wear it straight away before I had a chance to block it so perhaps it will sit better after a wash and reshape.
In January, both girls decided they would make some coasters for their bedrooms out of Hama Beads. I must get a photo of them to add to this post!
February’s projects are well under way – we’ll be back at the end of the month to show you what we made…
Lindy says:
Mar 2, 2014
Oh that’s really cute! The first ( and only time) I tried crocheting something you could actually wear it didn’t turn out very well!
amylane says:
Mar 3, 2014
Thanks Lindy! I think I need a bit more practice crocheting clothes. I’m back to making a blanket at the moment 🙂