Obviously, the wedding cake market is a big area and is one I’d like to move into, so I thought it might be a good idea to try out some designs. At the moment having cupcakes at your wedding seems to be the trend, so this is where I started.
When I make buttercream, it tends to come out more of a cream colour because of the natural colour of butter. I wanted to try a different type of frosting so I could offer white cakes as many brides choose white as their main colour. This topping is made from egg whites whisked with hot sugar syrup and turned out somewhere between a meringue and a marshmallow. It tasted lovely but was very sticky and got everywhere! It retained its glossy look and formed a slight skin after a couple of hours so it wasn’t quite so sticky.
I have been struggling to get decent photos of my cakes and need some really good ones for my website and promo material, so I have enlisted the help of a friend. He has a good camera and takes brilliant photos (and can be bribed with cake!) 🙂 Watch this space for some better photos soon!!
Anon says:
Jul 30, 2009
At my local cake craft centre they told me to whisk the butter in my kenwood for about 4-5 minutes as that helps whiten it, you can then add a special whitening ingredient they sell to make a pure white butter icing apparently.
wedding cake pictures says:
Jul 31, 2009
If your just starting out into the world of wedding cakes then my site could help you get a bit more publicity, for free.