Posts tagged "2011"
Makes of 2011

Makes of 2011

At the beginning of 2011 I set myself a goal of knitting from my rather large stash – aiming for 12 projects through the year. After I’d finished Christmas presents, I think I just about managed it (although I haven’t had a final count up). I also started a sewing course and have managed to...
Cakes and Bakes of 2011

Cakes and Bakes of 2011

Wow, I can’t believe it is 2012 already! Happy New Year everyone! Last year I had a busy time baking – I didn’t realise how many cakes I had baked until I started to put together this collage so I have just picked some of my favourite ones. I was delighted to make the cake...

2010 in photos

What a busy year it was! We crafted, baked, cooked, camped, went fruit picking, went to weddings, had a holiday in Cyprus, played in the snow and much much more. Here’s a little photo round up of some of the things we did. Thanks for all your support and wonderful comments last year, and in...