For a while now Grace has been whinging that she wants some of those hideous Lelli Kelly shoes that look like a sequin monster has puked all over them. Needless to say, due to the fact that they are:
a) dreadful looking
b) massively over priced
c) come with inappropriate ‘free gifts’ for a 6 year old such as make up
there is no way in the world that I would ever buy her a pair! So, before my brain could think what my mouth was about to say, I offered to make some shoes for her. She has a sweet tooth like me and asked for some shoes with cupcakes on and maybe even some sequins if she’s lucky.
So after a quick hunt around town I managed to pick up a pair of canvas shoes for £4, some sequins for £1.99 and fabric paint pens for £1.99 – much better than the £40+ price tag for the alternatives. I wasn’t entirely sure at this point what I was going to do with them, but I’m all for giving it a go!
Firstly I put the shoes through the wash and left them to dry for a couple of days. I figured this would remove any treatment or coating that may be on the shoes and better prepare the surface for the paint.
Then I lightly drew on my cupcakes designs with a pencil. This was rather nerve-wracking as I am pretty hopeless when it comes to drawing! Then I painted each cupcake using the fabric paints and a very fine paint brush. This took me quite a while but was strangely therapeutic.
Now I just have to stick on the sequins, but I haven’t decided how to do that yet. I will have to do a little research into fabric glues and see which looks like it will do the job. Any ideas gratefully received.
And here they are! The (almost) finished shoes. Grace is very pleased with them – I still think they’re pretty hideous! Each to their own…
Jul 5, 2011
They would great with some chunky hot pink laces…
amylane says:
Jul 5, 2011
Yes, she has already requested funky laces 🙂
Lou says:
Jul 5, 2011
Wow you did such a fantastic job of these. I am also impressed by how bright the colours are. Love it. Win, win!
amylane says:
Jul 5, 2011
Thank you! Grace loves the colours too 🙂
A Trifle Rushed says:
Jul 5, 2011
Gosh! What a super idea, my little girl is always asking for those shoes, like you I think makeup for 5 year olds (with shoes?) is dreadful. Your shoes on the other hand are fab!!!
amylane says:
Jul 5, 2011
Thank you! Don’t know why children are drawn to those awful shoes but at least Grace has stopped mentioning them now 🙂
Nel says:
Jul 5, 2011
They look fab! I wish I had a girl so I could make them too, don’t think my boys would be up for it.
amylane says:
Jul 5, 2011
Lol, I don’t think your boys would be too impressed with cupcake shoes! 🙂
Lucy, Vanilla Frost says:
Jul 6, 2011
Great idea! And presumably they don’t come with an awful jingle like the Lelli Kelli ones? Unless you created one of those too?
amylane says:
Jul 6, 2011
Haha! Perhaps I should create a jingle to go with them then? 🙂
Kerry says:
Jul 6, 2011
That is a fab idea they look great bet she loves them doesn’t she xx
amylane says:
Jul 6, 2011
She does love them and they are growing on me too 🙂
Themadhouse says:
Jul 6, 2011
I think they are fantastic and thee is a Market for them, what a super present to give to friends children for their birthdays and christmas
amylane says:
Jul 6, 2011
I have had a lot of people comment on how they’d like a pair – perhaps I should start a sideline in shoe decorating! I love the idea of giving them as gifts… x
Bernice says:
Jul 11, 2011
I agree whole heartedly with your comments about the ‘dreadful shoes’, particularly the cost! I love the customised, bespoke art work on your shoes – far more impressive.
My little one is only three so I have yet to endure the whining for such horrid shoes but I am ready for her now – ha ha. Great post as always.
amylane says:
Jul 11, 2011
Thank you! I’m glad it’s not just me that hates them 🙂
Arline says:
Jul 14, 2011
These look really funky! Fab job!x