My time as a juror for Finish QuantuMatic has come to an end and if you missed my final verdict, you can read it here. I also promised that I’d let you know when the photos that the professional photographer took were up. The microsite, with details of the other jurors and our photos is now live so you can get to see me, my kitchen and my children in all our glory! Be kind! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a photo of myself that I’m happy with but I think he’s done a pretty decent job (and made my kitchen look good too).
If you like the sound of Finish QuantuMatic and fancy trying it out for yourself then you can download a £5 off coupon from the site. Happy Dishwashing!
This is a sponsored post, although all opinions expressed are my own.
Caroline Job says:
Apr 14, 2011
Love your kitchen! I want one! Looking forward to meeting you at BlogCamp! Saw that you’re on the list to attend! Maybe you can share some baking tips!
amylane says:
Apr 14, 2011
Thanks! Look forward to meeting you at Blog Camp 🙂