On the whole, not too bad for a gardening newbie!
This year is the first year we’ve really got to grips with the garden. What we lack in skill, we make up for with enthusiasm, so a few months back Grace and I weeded and planted seeds in a somewhat random manner! We watered them and got rid of the weeds and I’ve even mowed the lawn a few times. Now we are starting to see the rewards of our hard work.
We’ve picked lots of green beans but I think I keep leaving it a bit late as most of them have been stringy! Our tomatoes took ages to turn red but we’ve had quite a few and the girls love picking them to have in their sandwiches. The courgette plants have produced more than we can possibly cope with! I love courgettes but even I am having trouble keeping up with them!
I have had courgette in frittatas, omelettes, fried, steamed, made courgette polenta slices and have a nice recipe ready to try out for courgette tea bread. Any more suggestions? And still the plant is producing more – it’s like the magic porridge pot!
My main problem has been unwanted garden visitors. First it was blackfly on the beans. Now it is the caterpillars attacking my cauliflowers. I don’t just mean one or two caterpillars. A couple of days ago I counted 37 on my five cauliflower plants! 37 of the little critters! And I have to say, they are not cute. I find them quite creepy!
Needless to say, my cauliflower plants now don’t have any leaves left at all and I can’t see how they are going to come back from this! I fear the caterpillars have won, I’d better get down the market for my cauliflowers this year!
angelsandurchinsblog says:
Sep 5, 2010
Well done – our efforts mainly got stolen by the slugs and the squirrels, but what we managed to produce was delicious. Nigella has an amazing courgette cake recipe, available on her website. Just sweet enough and very moreish.
amylane says:
Sep 5, 2010
Oooh, thanks, I shall have a look.
kat says:
Sep 6, 2010
The Nigella cake is awesome, was going to be my second recommendation!
kat says:
Sep 6, 2010
My girl, cheese and courgette mini muffins! Make super lunch box fillers and freeze well so you can batch cook now for the Winter. Want the recipe?
amylane says:
Sep 6, 2010
Ooh yes please, they sound good.