I have written, rewritten and deleted this post many times. I don’t like to be controversial or even hint at being controversial. I like to please everyone and be popular. I want everyone to love me. But seeing recent tweets and reading some recent blog posts, I am wondering what do you want from your blog? It is something I’ve been thinking a lot about today.

In the past I have read blog posts about people not feeling welcome in the blogoshpere and particulary from bloggers who I consider to be very popular. I have to say, and I don’t like to rock the boat, but I do feel it is a bit like being at school. You are either in with ‘the group’ or you’re not. And I very much feel that I’m not! But, does this actually matter? When I stopped to think about it, I think not. I have several people who read my blog regularly and leave me lovely comments. This to me is the most important thing. I love to read each and every one of these comments and I am so grateful they take the time to stop by.

I was of course thrilled (and very surprised!) to be listed at number 70 in the Tots 100 index for March. I still think this must have been a mistake. But nevertheless, it made me smile for a few days. But why? I guess although I’m quite a quiet person I crave some attention and I want to be popular and in with the cool girls (and boys)!

I was really pleased when Thea dropped by to pass on a Sunshine Award to me because she enjoys reading my blog. How exciting is that? Someone enjoys reading my blog and took the time to pass on an award. I’ve never been included in the lists for these sort of things. I see them littered all over other people’s blogs but I never get ‘tagged’ for anything. Probably a blessing as I’m sure if I had to list the contents of my handbag I’d lose my few loyal blog readers! One of our friends refers to my handbag as a holdall!

I apologise for the confused rambling but sometimes it seems you just need to say something, get it off your chest and move on! I will probably never be a popular blogger, be approached by dozens of PRs to review cool products or be nominated for a MADs award, but actually as long as you keep leaving me lovely comments I will be more than happy. Normal happy blog posting will now be resumed (please don’t run away lovely readers and commenters – I need your love!) 🙂

I would like to pass the sunshine award onto the following bloggers because I enjoy reading their blogs and I want them to know so:




